Friday, June 8, 2012

So You Think I Should be Kinder?

My mother accused me of having a pragmatic view of the word last night.  At first, I took it as a subtle insult . . . you know maybe I could be a little kinder, gentler, softer-around-the-edges.  After a bit of reflection, I began to understand that my rational, efficient, unidealistic view of the world is what has enabled my to stay sane on this crazy publishing journey.

In order to survive with your ego intact, in order to even contemplate the traditional publishing route, you need to have a pragmatic view of the world.  Let's face it, the hard fought yeses in this industry often come on the heels of twenty no's.  Whether it be the chapter you spent hours slaving over for a CP to come back and say "yeah . . just not feeling it"  or the query rejection that greets you every morning.  It could be the four pages of revisions notes that have you swearing and contemplating your value as a writer or the beta read in your inbox that is so flippin' fantastic that you don't ever think you can compete.  It is those of us who shrug it off.  Those of us that have the ability to  put aside a manuscript that just isn't going to make it and start a new one. The ones that can burrow into a honest and harsh critique and pull out the what needs to be changed and tackle it that will eventually see success.

So I say look at the hand of cards you have been dealt today, pick out the one with the most potential, and play it for all the value it's worth.   I already got mine picked out!  And remember, tomorrow we all get a new hand.


  1. I think with publishing you need a thick skin. If you don't, you'll end up sick and giving up. I think the ones who can take a step back and look at their own work are the ones who will be happy in the biz. I like the idea of looking at your best card.

    1. Thanks for chiming in. Us authors have to double as armadillos in order to survive.

  2. i agree. The whole writing 'thing' and publishing industry is HARD. You can be positive, to a certain degree, just have realistic expectations.

    1. I agree you can be positive and pragmatic at the same time. Just got to keep yourself grounded. Thanks for commenting, Prerna.

  3. Well said! That's the only way to survive in this industry. :)

  4. My mother does the same thing. I think it's even harder on her right now (I'm still trying to get an agent, and I'm at that terrible stage where they say nice things and 'almost' but don't offer rep) because she see 'other' things getting published that she thinks are awful (Beiber's 'Memoir' etc) and she gets very passionate about how if people were nicer, and gave each other chances, instead of choosing to publish the 'safe' bet items, things would be better for me.

    Oddly, I just keep getting better and better at being pragmatic and shrewd, in the face of her hopes for kindness in a business realm. And I've actually used the hand of cards on her before. I said 'Ma, if you're playing Poker and you've got nothing but a single Jack in your hand, you don't bet anyway, you fold. Then on the next hand, you see what you get and maybe you bet. If you bet everything even when you've got nothing, you'll going to end up with, wait for it, nothing.'

    1. And nothing is never good :) So glad to find a fellow pragmatic amongst my blogging friends. I often relate my hand of cards to the multiple of manuscripts I have sitting on my computer. You know, the ideas that brought forth a few chapters then fizzled out. I frequently will pull them all up, scan them, then play the strongest manuscript I have. Work on that one and polish it up.

  5. I really needed this today. So glad you posted it. I am looking at my cards and can't wait for a new hand tomorrow! Hope the card you played worked out well for you.

    1. Glad I could help, Mary. AN my card is still in play, will let you know what comes of it.

  6. Great post -- it was so good I wont' even add any snark:)

    1. Go have some more coffee then come back and lay on the snark :)

  7. Hey Trisha! Been awhile! I can totally relate to this. Being a writer and dealing with the negativity involved def gives you a different outlook on life. SOmetimes I think I can deal with anything. Got that tough hide working. lol ;)
    Hope you're doing well. Sorry I never got back to you about beta exchanges... I kinda lost my mojo for that story and had to set it aside for a bit. But let me know if you have anything to exchange for the future. Just got done with a YA magical realism if you're interested.
    Have a good one!

    1. I'd be happy to take a look, send it along!
