Monday, December 5, 2011

Expanding Our Social Network

After much chatter this weekend, Lindsay and I have decided . . . been pushed into . .  strongly advised to (you can pick the phrase you like best :) expanding out social network as co-authors. Although we both maintain active blogs and are mildly obsessed with twitter, we decided to expand on that social platform.  Lindsay got tagged with developing aco-author facebook page; I got assigned website development duties.  Between me, you, and I guess the entire blogging universe, I think I got the short end of that damn stick! LOL just kidding . . . not.

So while the website won't go live until sometime mid-week,  Lindsay has finally gotten around to creating a Facebook page dedicated to our co-authored projects.  We would love for you guys to stop by.  Maybe if you're feeling benevolent (it is the holidays:), you'll "like" us and get us that much closer to being as connected as we'd like to be.  The content is still being tinkered with, so be aware that there will be more and more information regarding our first co-authored novel, SILO as well as our brand-new project that has been turned into the hands of our agent.  We will be sharing quotes, snippets and more as the weeks go by, so come on over!

Trisha and Lindsay on FACEBOOK

On a side note, Happy Monday!


  1. congrats! I'll go 'like' you guys on facebook. And goodluck with the website. I wouldn't even know where to start with that one.

  2. Yay! "Liked" the fb page. Thrilled to see the website!

  3. Liked! :) I can't wait to see how the website turns out.

  4. Done! I'm sure the website will be awesome.
