Sunday, March 20, 2011

Nervous, Excited, and a Little Bit Apprehensive

As writers, I think we are prone to feeling the extremes of emotions, whether in our own lives or in that of our characters.  I'm not the exception, however I am not used to feeling them all at the same time.  See, I am getting a second round of edits back from my agent on my YA contemporary, "Inside Out."  Although I am anxious and excited to dive back in, I am a little bit . . . well . . . terrified.  What did she like?  What did she hate.  Is she going to ask me to cut my favorite scene, the one I spent three days and hell of a lot of coffee perfecting?  Round and round these questions go, the answers just a few days out of reach.

So for my followers, I apologize in advance for my lack of tantalizing posts these next few days as I pour every ounce of my creative energy into making this book Stellar. And for my trusted bet readers, here's your notice.  Come Tuesday, I'm going to need you help sorting through this next batch of revisions.  Without you, I couldn't have made it through the first round.


  1. Good luck with the edits, Trisha! I could definitely see how exciting/scary getting edits back from your agent could be. But it's all going to make your story better, right? Get 'er done! ;)

  2. Good luck Trisha! My fingers are crossed.

  3. Good luck Trish - you know I'm ready to read away when you're done with them:)

  4. You can do it! I have utter faith in you and your talent. And remember, when you need a reader, I'm here for you!

  5. Thanks for the vote of confidence guys. I woke up feeling slightly more at ease, but still anxious. Maybe I will harness that emotion and channel it into my writing. Or else, I could always take up kickboxing!

  6. Ready and waiting! It's going to be AWESOME!!

  7. HEllO! You have sounded so busy with edits I figured you didn't have time. (good luck BTW) That'd be great. Honestly, I have beein doing crazy revison myself to my MG novel. After some advice on rejections, I have been trying hard to fix it. know where to find me : )

  8. Isn't revisions awesome? I got my revisions from my agent and for the most part I agreed with her. She took out huge chucks she felt didn't move the story along. And yes, I spent a great deal of time on those scenes, but I knew I needed to kill some of my babies. It just had to be done...but it worked. The story is so much better.

    Good luck with the edits. Dive in and have fun :)

  9. It must suck to be you. hahaha. just kidding You'll do great, heck, you snagged her interest in the first place, right? You must've done something right. NOw it will just be even better. I agree with Angela,too, have fun.

  10. Oh, good luck! It's fascinating reading where you are in your stage of writing, to know what comes after querying and full requests. :)

  11. Think of it as an adventure and be excited (no terror) about how much are learning craft-wise, and the fun of making your story even better. Enjoy the process and ride. :)

