Tuesday, May 21, 2013

YA Contemporary -- An Amazing Ending to a Long Journey

Many of you know that YA Contemporary is my first passion, the reason I first started putting pen to paper. It took some time and several manuscripts before I found one that called to me.  The patience, the trials, the support of my CP's and agent, and the all the heartbreak that went into this writing journey paid off and I can now ecstatically announce that I have sold my YA Contemporary ... and to the amazing Janine O'Malley at FSG/ Macmillan at that!

May 21, 2013
Young Adult 
Trisha Leaver's SECRETS SISTERS KEEP, where a teenage girl assumes her identical twin's identity after a freak accident leaves her sister dead, only to find that her sister's supposedly perfect life was full of secrets that were destroying her, to Janine O'Malley at Farrar, Straus Children's, for publication in Winter 2015, by Kevan Lyon at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency (World)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks... I am super excited. Still doesn't seem real :)

  2. Yay!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!!

  3. WAHOOOOOOO!!!!!! I'm so excited I can't even stand it. And even though I'm partial to the title, it's got nothing on the story and writing! ;)

    1. Well there would be no title without you! Would've had to announce it as untitled YA contemporary. But thanks to you naming genius...we are proudly calling it Secrets Sisters Jeep!

  4. Congratulations.... I just saw it on PM and said to my crit partner I wish I'd thought of that idea.... it's brilliant!

  5. Way cool, Trisha, congratulations :)

  6. This is wonderful news, Trisha! You worked a long tine and tried really hard. You deserve all the success you get! :-)

    1. Thanks, Lexa. If there is one thing I have learned along this journey it is the value and reward of patience.

  7. Congratulations! This sounds amazing!
