Thursday, September 20, 2012

On a Selfish Note!

The teacher's strike in Chicago has ended.  My writing partner, Lindsay Currie's, kids are back in school as of yesterday, and she is ecstatic.  On rather selfish note, that means I have my writing partner back for 6.5 uninterrupted hours a day!  Time to dust off our neglected set of characters and start slowly playing with their minds.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Pie Delimna

I have decided, after much deliberation, that apple pie is a perfectly acceptable breakfast food.  It is essentially dough and fruit. Think of it like a pancake stuffed with apples.  I mean, it's got to be better for you than a sausage biscuit, right?

What does this have to do with writing?  Absolutely nothing, save the fact that I have been feeling quite guilty about giving my kids apple pie for breakfast and said guilt is greatly interfering with my muse.  So, in an effort to rid myself of guilt and the temptation to give them more pie tomorrow morning, I see no other alternative but to eat the rest of the pie myself. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Writing Seasons

I am always more productive in the fall.  My linen closet gets cleaned out, my pantry gets re-organized, and I even find time to empty out the infamous junk drawer in the kitchen and shop-vac the dryer vent. I'm quite sure it has do do with the fact that the house in now empty.  The kids are back at school, the husband is back to his post-summer work/ travel schedule, and the school/appointment/activity calendar is back on the wall.

Not only do I find my house cleaner and my life in perfect order, but I also find my writing picking up.  Don't misunderstand  me -- I am still a staunch advocate of the 2000-a-words-a-day-even-if-it-kills-me policy.  But in the fall, I find myself writing even more . . . and with ease. 

I did a little digging to see if this newly-found, over-productive muse is a fluke.  Thanks to Microsoft, I was able to see the date and the exact time that each of my manuscripts was started.  For three years, every single one of my manuscripts was started in the months of September or October.  I also found that I write noticeably more on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Sundays (although my Sunday writing frenzies seem to occur after the hour of 9pm.)  My Ya Horror streaks tend to run heavier towards the winter months while my YA contemporary works seem to chug along at a consistent pace throughout the fall and winter.  Go figure!  Maybe later today, I will dig a little deeper and see what my writing patterns reveal of the Spring and Summer months.

But now I'm curious to see if I'm the only one with a self-inflicted writing pattern.  Have any of you tracked your writing patterns?  If so, I would love to hear about them.  In the meantime, here's to a happy and overly productive fall writing season for all of us!