Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1st -- You Know What That Means?

NaNoWriMo is upon us.   "Thirty days and thirty nights of literary Abandon."  I got an idea, a fully charged laptop, and a massive supply of coffee. If that doesn't keep me writing, there is always the obscene amount of Halloween candy my kids collected.

How about you guys -- any of you taking the NaNo challenge this year? If so, what's your plan of attack -- write furiously whenever or wherever you can until you reach your goal?  Partake in write-ins so that you have dedicated time to put pen to paper?  Or are you like me -- do you have the whole damn story planned out in your head, was just waiting for the clock to strike midnight so you could get started?


  1. I'm participating for the first time this year. I'm excited, but nervous. I'm cheating a little and instead of writing a book at 50,000 words, I'm adding 50,000 to my novel. I'll still be writing the same amount, the words will be new, my book will just end up being about 90,000 words. Fair enough, right?!

  2. Rachele-- sounds fair enough to me! Good luck and have fun!

  3. I'm a NaNo cheerleader. Write! Write! Write! And I'm writing, too. Just not in that literary abandon sort of way. ^_^

  4. I'm not participating this year, but I have given myself an impossible deadline of my own. (You know, so I won't feel left out.) I want to have Strength ready to query by December. Madness, I know...

    Good luck with NaNoWriMo! :)

  5. Good luck Trisha! I had my planned out, waiting for that perfect time. Hope I can get a good draft out.

  6. Can't wait to see your results. I am still finishing one WIP before starting my NaNo project.

  7. Good luck, make sure you keep the chocs and coffee on standby!

  8. Oh, yeah. I'm doing NaNo. If I'm not crazy now, I sure will be by the end of the month. Good luck!

  9. Haha, sounds like you're all set! Good luck!!!

  10. I don't think I'll be doing any write-ins... I tend to write at night after I've got home from work...and on weekends I've been known to slack off majorly. I'm going to try and change that this year!

  11. I'm doing it for the first time this year. Hoping to get ahead a bit in case of those unexpected interruptions :-)

  12. Ooo, wow, I didn't know you were actually doing it! Good luck:)
